Hypnocoach is developed by Ms Lisa Halpin, DCH, BCH, CI, OB . Having trained under her during the last NGH Convention. Hypnocoach Singapore now brings you Hypnocoaching services through in person coaching or via video call. Hypnocoaching is a combination of hypnotic and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) tools with personal coaching skills that helps the client in accessing his or her inner resources, easily, quickly, and effectively.
Hypnocoaching uses internal control psychology-based interventions that assist in the client’s personal, career, relationship, and life challenging issues. These interventions will work on both the conscious and subconscious levels of the mind and help the client in the specific outcome he or she wants. For instance, achieving success in sports; gaining confidence to perform well in a beauty pageant or simply helping clients to take control of their lives. Each session is uniquely tailored to the client’s needs.
Are you ready for Hypnocoaching?
- Are you seeking a purpose in your life?
- Do you like who you see in the mirror?
- Knowing that you can actually perform better
- Would you like to have better relationships?
- What is holding you back?
- Would you like to change your life to become successful?
- Do you want to overcome your limitations?

Hypnocoaching can help with the following:
• Increase personal productivity
• Managing a better life
• Enhance sports performance
• Performance in Studies
• Resolving Anxiety
• Stress Reduction
• Increase Confidence
• Maximize Performance
• Weight Management
• Stop Smoking
• Sleep Improvement
• Anger Management
• Phobia Removal
• Relationship Management
• Physical & Emotional Healing
• Sexual Dysfunction
• and more…