Anger Management
The goal of anger management is to reduce both your emotions and the physiological arousal that anger causes. You can’t get rid of, or avoid, the things or the people that enrage you, nor can you change them, but you can learn to control your reactions.
Why Do We Get Angry?

Anger can be a perfectly normal response to the everyday stresses of life. And as we all know, life can get stressful. Anger can manifest itself in many ways and as a response to many different types of situations.
This completely natural response often ranges from slight irritation all the way up to explosive rage depending on the situation at hand. Like all emotional responses, anger often holds a lot of validity.
But as children, we learn to view these feelings as negative. We’re told that it’s not good to feel upset and that we need to put on a ‘happy face’ and move past it. And because no one likes feeling angry or upset it’s easy to adopt this mindset that anger is a bad thing.
Anger is not a ‘bad’ thing to feel, and when we believe that it is it can lead to believing that we shouldn’t express these feelings. You might have grown up trying to pretend that you weren’t angry or have felt the need to hide these feelings of anger.
Build up Frustrations
This can lead to a build-up of frustration within you which in turn often causes explosive fits of rage. When we hold onto anger until it becomes expressed this way it can be damaging and sometimes even violent.
When expressed in a healthy way, anger can be a constructive way to let others know that something has negatively impacted you. However, when everyday anger is turning into a full-blown rage this can be a big problem.
What Is Anger?
Anger is one of the most toxic emotions anyone can hold on to. Not only it will significantly disturb well-being, but it can also demolish all the positive things around.
The feeling of anger comes out like a volcano. Sometimes very unexpected but every time very disruptive. Of course, everyone feels angry at times due to certain situations. However, not everyone experiences uncontrollable anger frequently. For some, lashing out and breaking every stable relationship becomes a way of being.
There are a variety of practices for anger control. Some techniques include Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), mindfulness, and meditation. Hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis have been found to be very beneficial to control anger and related emotions as well.
Effects Of Anger
Anger can manifest in many ways, both physically and mentally. Here are some of the ways you might notice anger affecting you:
- Tense muscles
- Shaking
- Feeling hot
- Tight feeling in the chest
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Feeling unable to relax
- Irritable
- Feeling guilty
It can be helpful for you to note the way anger affects you so you can recognise your red flags. Gaining awareness of this and your triggers is the first step to managing your anger.
Tips On How To Manage Your Anger.

- Identify triggers and warning signs
- Talk to somebody
- Try breathing or muscle relaxation
- Walk or exercise
- Step away from the situation
- Reframe your thinking
When to seek help?
Anger is a common and expected emotion for everyone. However, if you feel that your anger is significantly out of control and it’s hurting your life such that you are breaking relationships, becoming violent, or breaking a law; it may be a good time to ask for further help from a professional.
When you look for options, also keep hypnotherapy in mind. After all, hypnosis is the ultimate tool to control your emotions and your emotional state!
Hypnotherapy For Anger
Hypnotherapy can help those with anger management problems in several ways. The initial aim of the hypnotherapist will be to understand the root cause of your anger.
Anger management problems often stem from past experiences. These experiences can shape your behaviour and belief system. So, while you may think another person or situation is causing your anger, it may well come from yourself. Once this is understood, your hypnotherapist can begin work changing this.
To do so, your hypnotherapist will work on a conscious and unconscious level to help change your negative thought processes. Doing this may involve relaxation techniques and suggestions from your hypnotherapist to help control your anger.
The hope is that this will change your reaction to anger triggers. Instead of feeling overwhelmed and angry, you should feel calmer and more relaxed. Feeling calmer in stressful situations helps you to think more clearly so you can react in a more appropriate way.